Bobby D Diane Grey
SOX Information Updates at the Top and Bottom of every hour from 6a-8a.

Right Now Traffic with John Wilsbach
Tipline: 717-901-5000
Right Now Traffic updates every 15 minutes from 6a-8:30a

Answer the Question of the Day and be the Smartest SOX Listener of the Day each morning at 7:05.
Click here for our archive of past questions and answers.

The SOX Wake Up Crew is saluting our First Responders. Each Monday at 6:25 and 8:25, we spotlight first responders serving our community in the First Responder Roll Call.
If you know a first responder, tell us about them by sending an email to [email protected].

Every Thursday morning at 6:35 and 7:35, we’re unlocking the Time Capsule and spotlighting 3 songs from a specific year. Guess the year and pick the next song we play.

Give us a call at 888-909-1096 between 6:00 and 8:00 each Friday morning to get a FREE PLUG for an upcoming non-profit/charity fundraiser or event.
No businesses, please. Calling doesn’t guarantee on-air announcement and is subject to station approval.