Q: About 60% of adults admit this is something they like to brag about… A: When they get a good bargain… MORE
Q: About 60% of adults admit this is something they like to brag about… A: When they get a good bargain… MORE
Q: It’s estimated about 1 in every 7 people on the planet have at least attempted to do this… A: Solve a Rubik’s cube… MORE
Q: Martha Stewarts says you should always wash this before using it for the first time… A: Bed sheets… MORE
Q: Experts say this is an app we should all use, but only 12% of us do… A: Password manager app… MORE
Q: This happens less than 10% of the time when you Google something… A: You scroll to the bottom of the page… MORE
Q: 20% of people insist they do this every day… A: Clean the floor… MORE