Q: 20% of travelers say this is something they wish hotels would provide in their rooms… A: White noise machine… MORE
Q: 20% of travelers say this is something they wish hotels would provide in their rooms… A: White noise machine… MORE
Q: 5% of people say they get excited when this happens when they’re at home… A: Someone knocks on the door… MORE
Q: About 15% of single people, mostly men, say they broke up with someone because they were really into this… A: Astrology… MORE
Q: A recent poll says this is the worst food to have as leftovers… A: Sushi… MORE
Q: About 40% of people around the world say they won’t do this because it’s too stressful… A: Watch the news… MORE
Q: Overall sales of this household item have dropped every year for the past several years… A: Irons… MORE