Q: A recent survey says Pennsylvanians are most likely to do this when it comes to traveling… A: Overpack… MORE
Q: A recent survey says Pennsylvanians are most likely to do this when it comes to traveling… A: Overpack… MORE
Q: With over 223,000, Pennsylvania is 8th in the nation for the number of these… A: Horses… MORE
Q: About 1/3rd of all American adults can say this has happened to them… A: They were arrested… MORE
Q: Doctors say this very specific body part is often overlooked while showering and can be full of bacteria… A: Behind the ears… MORE
Q: The average American adult ends up doing this about 5-times a week, even if they don’t want to… A: Tip… MORE
Q: Almost 60% of workers say they have considered quitting because of this… A: An annoying coworker… MORE