Category Archives: Question of the Day

Feb 4

Q: If you have one of these, it could cost you about $1,400 a year to keep it looking nice… A: PoolMORE

Feb 3

Q: You might pass by one all the time…there are 7-million scattered thru-out the U.S…. A: Vending machinesMORE

Jan 31

Q: They’re quite common in PA, but 24% of Americans say they’ve never seen one… A: GroundhogMORE

Jan 30

Q: It’s recommended you do this at least once a week… A: Reboot your computer/phoneMORE

Jan 29

Q: It’s something you might use every day, and it’s believed they were first used in 3000BC… A: Drinking strawsMORE

Jan 28

Q: The average person will touch fewer than 100 of these in their lifetime… A: $100 billsMORE

Jan 27

Q: Sometimes you do this on purpose, sometimes you don’t, but health experts say it’s good for you to do it… A: SighMORE

Jan 24

Q: Over the past 5-years, about 600,000 tons of this has been used in Pennsylvania… A: Road saltMORE

Jan 23

Q: Sales of this luxury item have slipped over the past 2 years and its expected to have poor sales this year… A: ChampagneMORE

Jan 22

Q: A poll asked what’s the most annoying thing people do at the gym. #1 was not wiping off the equipment after using it. What was #3 on the list? A: Taking selfiesMORE

Question of the Day

March 6

Q: 20% of Americans believe this will happen in their lifetime… A: The end of the world

March 5

Q: In 2013 1-million Norwegians watched a 12-hour show dedicated to this activity… A: Knitting

March 4

Q: Sales of this kitchen item have gone up by 40% over the past 10-years… A: Cast Iron pans