Q: You should clean this once a year, but fewer than 20% of people do… A: The freezer… MORE
Q: You should clean this once a year, but fewer than 20% of people do… A: The freezer… MORE
Q: 50% of American homebuyers say they did this at least once while purchasing their house… A: Cry… MORE
Q: Over 10% of people say this is something movie theaters should offer… A: Intermission… MORE
Q: It usually takes at least a dozen dates before a couple will do this… A: Trade house keys… MORE
Q: 20% of adults say teaching your kids this skill will make them more successful… A: Write thank you cards… MORE
Q: You’ll probably own at least 155 of these over your lifetime… A: Toothbrushes… MORE
Q: Nearly 1 in 5 people say this is something they have given to another person for free… A: Old cell phone
Q: Workplace experts say if you’re trying to get a promotion at work, doing this will increase your chances… A: Smiling
Q: 30 years ago 10% of Americans had one…now nearly 50% do… A: Passport