Q: A recent poll says this is the worst food to have as leftovers… A: Sushi… MORE
Q: A recent poll says this is the worst food to have as leftovers… A: Sushi… MORE
Q: About 40% of people around the world say they won’t do this because it’s too stressful… A: Watch the news… MORE
Q: Overall sales of this household item have dropped every year for the past several years… A: Irons… MORE
Q: It’s estimated the average American will lose over 1,000 of these in a lifetime… A: Socks… MORE
Q: 38% of women have one of these compared to 27-percent of men… A: Tattoos… MORE
Q: It’s something we do all the time, but they say the first time it ever happened was in 1898… A: Pizza delivery… MORE