Category Archives: Question of the Day

Aug 16

Q: A recent poll says this is the worst food to have as leftovers… A: SushiMORE

Aug 15

Q: About 40% of people around the world say they won’t do this because it’s too stressful… A: Watch the newsMORE

Aug 14

Q: Overall sales of this household item have dropped every year for the past several years… A: IronsMORE

Aug 13

Q: It’s estimated the average American will lose over 1,000 of these in a lifetime… A: SocksMORE

Aug 12

Q: 38% of women have one of these compared to 27-percent of men… A: TattoosMORE

Aug 9

Q: It’s something we do all the time, but they say the first time it ever happened was in 1898… A: Pizza deliveryMORE

Aug 8

Q: Animal experts say this is an animal you may not want to hug if given the chance. They seem harmless but have a bone-crushing bite… A: SlothMORE

Aug 7

Q: About 60% of adults admit this is something they like to brag about… A: When they get a good bargainMORE

Aug 6

Q: It’s estimated about 1 in every 7 people on the planet have at least attempted to do this… A: Solve a Rubik’s cubeMORE

Aug 5

Q: Martha Stewarts says you should always wash this before using it for the first time… A: Bed sheetsMORE

Question of the Day

March 7

Q: Pennsylvania has the 4th most of this type of place per capita in the nation… A: Hair salons

March 6

Q: 20% of Americans believe this will happen in their lifetime… A: The end of the world

March 5

Q: In 2013 1-million Norwegians watched a 12-hour show dedicated to this activity… A: Knitting