Q: Adults under the age of 35 are 2x as likely to do this every day compared to those over 65… A: Check their horoscope… MORE
Q: Adults under the age of 35 are 2x as likely to do this every day compared to those over 65… A: Check their horoscope… MORE
Q: 5% of people who love ranch dressing admit they have dipped this in ranch… A: A pop-tart… MORE
Q: 1 in 8 married people say they have kept this a secret from their spouse… A: A credit card… MORE
Q: A recent Google search poll says this is the most popular board game in PA… A: Chess… MORE
Q: Nearly 40% of young men say sports are only interesting if this is involved… A: Gambling… MORE
Q: 10% of homeowners say this is the biggest regret they have about buying their home… A: It’s too big… MORE
Q: Over the past 5-years, about 600,000 tons of this has been used in Pennsylvania… A: Road salt
Q: Sales of this luxury item have slipped over the past 2 years and its expected to have poor sales this year… A: Champagne
Q: A poll asked what’s the most annoying thing people do at the gym. #1 was not wiping off the equipment after using it. What was #3 on the list? A: Taking selfies