Q: A majority of American adults are perfectly happy with the aspect of their lives… A: Their height… MORE
Q: A majority of American adults are perfectly happy with the aspect of their lives… A: Their height… MORE
Q: About 20% of people who go to an outdoor party or bbq will bring this… A: Their own chair… MORE
Q: About 50-million Americans deal with this every year, usually during the summer… A: Poison ivy… MORE
Q: Studies show you may fall asleep a few minutes earlier if you do this before you go to bed… A: Fill out a “to-do” list… MORE
Q: About 20% of people admit they do this while they’re on vacation… A: Start thinking about their next vacation…… MORE
Q; A survey says this is the most irritating social media picture people post when on vacation… A: “Hot dog legs” on the beach or on a lounge chair… MORE