Q: 34% of people say they can make this “meal” without a recipe… A: Toast… MORE
Q: 34% of people say they can make this “meal” without a recipe… A: Toast… MORE
Q: Nearly 10% of people say it’s completely acceptable to take this from a restaurant… A: The pen you sign the check with… MORE
Q: Naval and marine engineers are trying to figure out why this can be so painful when humans do it… A: Bellyflops… MORE
Q: This is more likely to happen to men than women in the summer… A: Get bit by a mosquito… MORE
Q: 25% of people say this is the #1 or 2 luxury item they’re most likely to purchase… A: Hot tub… MORE
Q: 5% of smart phone users admit they have accidentally done this… A: Washed their phones in the clothes washer… MORE