Question of the Day

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CLICK HERE to see past Questions and Answers in the Question of the Day archives.

Recent Questions & Answers:

  • March 13

    Q: We may consider this a relatively recent trend, but the first time this happened was in the mid-1800’s…

    A: A selfie

  • March 12

    Q: People who remember their dreams are more likely to do this activity…

    A: Daydream

  • March 10

    Q: There are about 355-thousand of these in Pennsylvania…

    A: Motorcycles (registered)

  • March 7

    Q: Pennsylvania has the 4th most of this type of place per capita in the nation…

    A: Hair salons

  • March 6

    Q: 20% of Americans believe this will happen in their lifetime…

    A: The end of the world

Question of the Day

March 13

Q: We may consider this a relatively recent trend, but the first time this happened was in the mid-1800’s… A: A selfie

March 12

Q: People who remember their dreams are more likely to do this activity… A: Daydream

March 10

Q: There are about 355-thousand of these in Pennsylvania… A: Motorcycles (registered)